Our school office is open from 8.30am - 3.30pm for enrolments
Please call (09)274 8002 or email enrolment@chapeldowns.school.nz - Our team are here to help!!!!!
Click on the link below for our online enrolment form.
To enrol at Chapel Downs Primary, please provide the following:
- Completed online enrolment. This includes an enrolment form, health record form and dental service enrolment form .
- Either proof of where you live [your address] e.g. Power account, lease, tenancy agreement,telephone account.
- Or if living with another family, we need a letter from the family and an official document addressed to you at the family's address.
- Child's Birth Certicate or Passport
- Completed immunisation form (available from your Plunket Book or family doctor) if entering school as a five year old.
We look forward to welcoming you to Chapel Downs!
Zoned students
Students living in the home zone are entitled to enrol.
Parents of students who live within the home zone should apply, to assist the school to plan appropriately for the following year.
Out of Zone students
The Board has determined that 20 places are likely to be available for out of zone students this year. Applications from out of zone students will be processed in priority order and details of this are contained in the enrolment scheme, which is available for inspection at the school office. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot.